Walk the Walk

‘Paths are not just means of traversing space, but also of feeling, knowing and thinking.’

From the foreword by Robert Macfarlane in The Old Ways, A Journey on Foot


We are incredibly fortunate to have a huge network of paths in our area. The South Loch Ness Trail runs through the area but there is also a network of paths, some fairly well known, but others, which are less well known, perhaps not way marked and a little more off the beaten track.  To encourage both locals and visitors to get out, explore, and have your own adventures, the pathways group have mapped and described a range of walks.

We will continue to add walks to the list below and if you are out on one of these walks and you find a shortcut or perhaps a variation that you think is better, please do let us know (and send us pics if you can!) Or, if you have your own favourite walks, get in touch and we can map them for you. Some of the best walks we have are those where literally you can’t see ‘the wood for the trees’.

Hillwalking during the deer stalking season? A link to help you find out where deer stalking is happening. 


It is the responsibility of all walkers to take personal responsibility for their own safety on every walk and wear appropriate clothing and footwear for the conditions. When walking a route, you should not rely solely on a phone for navigation. Always take a map for backup. SFCT has tried to provide accurate information on the walks described but it cannot accept responsibility for changes, errors or omissions.



Whitebridge to Foyers/Foyers to Whitebridge return

Wester Abercalder to Garthbeg

Lochan Tor an Tuill circular from Inverfarigaig

SSE Track From Foyers Carpark

Loch Ness and the Falls of Foyers

Inverfarigaig Viewpoint Circuit

Drummond Woods, Whitebridge

Loch Nan Laan and Knockie 'Boat House'

Foyers Circular including Upper Falls

Tryndrum/Trinloist figure of eight

Reservoir Walk, Foyers 

Torness, Charleston and Leadclune circular

Inverfarigaig circular via Glen Liath

Beinn a'Bhacaidh from Loch Knockie Track
Inverfarigaig to Foyers, South Loch Ness Trail

Loch Tarff to Knockie Road End (South Loch Ness Trail)

Foyers Bay Circular North



The link under each walk summary can be opened in the OS (Ordnance Survey) Maps app which is available to download free of charge.  You can then follow the walk described and be confident you are not going off route at any time.




When looking at a walk, to quickly scroll back to the list above, click on the scroll to top button on the bottom right hand side of each walk.


Loch Tarff to Knockie Road End (South Loch Ness Trail)

If you want to follow this route one way, you will need a car at the start and finish (Loch Tarff and track opposite Knockie Road End, otherwise you could choose to return to the start at any point along the route. This walk is part of the South Loch Ness Trail with a well defined path and blue markers along the route. From the highest point on the whole trail at Carn an t-Suidhe, there are fabulous views in every direction. Well worth the first uphill section from Loch Tarff.

4 miles, one way


Loch Tarff to Knockie road end (South loch Ness Trail) (osmaps.com)



Park just off the road at Loch Tarff. There is room for 3/4 cars. Go through the gate and follow the well defined path uphill. As you gain height you get a great view of Loch Tarff from above. Continue uphill, with the track levelling out as you reach Carn an t-Suidhe where there is a blue market post indicating the highest point of the South Loch Ness Trail. The path heads downhill and there is a large painted blue stone close to the road showing the path to follow. You’ll reach a gate where you turn right and again turn right when you reach a forestry road. Continue on this section and look out for a blue marker post when the forestry road bends round to the right. Take the small narrow path heading downhill until you reach the Knockie tarmac road. Turn right here and walk uphill for just over half a mile to the end of the route and the junction with the B862.


Beinn a'Bhacaidh from Loch Knockie Track

A fairly short but steep climb up to Beinn a Bhacaidh following a forestry road, track and then through grass and heather to the summit. There is a high gate which you will either need to climb over or climb through. May be a bit boggy at certain times of the year. High chance of spotting wild goats.

5.6k. Elevation gain – 245m. Moderate.

20220123-2-Beinn-a-Bhacaidh-from-Loch-Knockie-Track-3 (osmaps.com)



Park at the small parking space close to Loch Knockie. Cross the style and follow the track for about 900m until you see a large (probably locked) gate. Climb over or through the gate and follow the grassy track until you reach a burn, after about 1.7k. Turn uphill here and make your way steeply up through grass and heather to the summit where you will get wonderful views of Loch Ness and across to Invermoriston and beyond to Meall Fuar-Mhonaidh.

On the way down, which is as steep as the way up and again through grass and heather, you get great views of Loch Nan Lan and Loch Knockie. 




Torness, Charleston and Leadclune circular

A circular walk of 6 miles from Torness on a mixture of minor roads and tracks, including a stretch of the old General Wade Military Road.  The route passes Charleston, Carnoch and the farms of Balnabeeran and Leadclune. Enjoy views over Loch an Ordain and Loch a' Bhodaich.





Park at the end of the forestry track on the B862 south of Torness. From here, head south along the B862 (towards Errogie) for approx hall a mile until the road begins to bend to the left.  You will see a gate on the right hand side of the road, marked by a blue 'trail of the seven lochs' sign.

Go through this gate and follow the track, which is an old Wade road.  Please be aware that this can be a little wet under foot for the the first few metres, but quickly becomes better as you head up the hill. You will pass some ruined cottages as the track flattens out again and will soon reach another gate where the track becomes better quality.  On your left at this point there is a holiday house.  Go through the gate and follow the track to the end, where you join the unclassified road to Carnoch and Croftdhu.

Turn right and follow this road for approx 1 mile until you reach the top of the hill and the road takes a sharp bend to the right. Pause here to take in the views to the views over Loch an Ordain and Loch a' Bhodaich and the mountains to the north west. Continue on this road, taking the tight bend to the right, passing the farms of Balnabeeran and Leadclune, heading towards Torness.

As you approach Torness, keep an eye out for the waterfall on the left hand side of the road. When you reach the junction at Torness, turn right and follow the road until you reach the forestry track and the start of the walk.  Please walk carefully on this stretch as the road widens and narrows.





Tryndrum/Trinloist figure of eight

If you wish, the two walks described below can be combined to make a pleasant 3.5 miles figure-of-eight walk.

For both walks, park at the crossroads of the major logging roads near Trinloist (on the Foyers to Gorthleck road) making sure you don’t block the entrances.



Forest circuit taking in part of The Vennel

This two mile circuit uses a mix of logging tracks, a local small road called The Vennel and a grassy track that links the two, the latter offering beautiful distant views.  Although only short it’s full of variety and tranquility.  



Facing towards Trinloist/Gorthleck, take the large logging track on your right. This rises steadily (but not steeply) uphill through the woods.  Stay on this main logging track until it meets a junction with a tarmac track (The Vennel) where you turn right.  This soon turns into a rough track which you follow for around a quarter of a mile. When you see a white house ahead, look out for a grassy path on your right beside a lone pine tree.  This takes you along a tree line on the left with lovely open views to your right.  Follow this grassy path until it re-connects with a logging road, turn right and after a short way you will reconnect with the road you initially walked up.  Turn left and re-trace your steps back to the start.  






Short circular past Lochan nan Deala near Trinloist

This is a very short stroll of 1.5 miles combining a major logging track with a small little-used path through scrubland. 



Facing direction Trinloist/Gorthleck, walk along the large logging track on the left. Towards the end of Lochan nan Deala, look our for a rough track on the right hand side heading up into the undergrowth.  This path is fairly distinct but quite rugged.  Follow this path as it goes up a short way after which it levels off slightly. Be sure to stop and enjoy the view of Lochan nan Deala from above and of Meall Fuar-mhonaidh. At a ‘crossroads’ go straight ahead, ignoring the marker post for the Trail of the Seven lochs on your left and a Forestry marker post on your right. Simply follow this small path which bends round to the left until it drops back down to the logging track. Turn left and and after about half a mile you will arrive back at the start of this short circuit.



Loch Nan Laan and Knockie 'Boat House'

This is an out-and-back walk of 5.2 miles, initially besides Loch Nan Lann and then descending to Loch Ness. The descent to Loch Ness gives wonderful views across to Invermoriston. Wild goats have been spotted in this area so keep your eyes peeled and you may be lucky.





This walk starts and finishes at a small car park which can be founds as follows:-

Approximately a mile after Whitebridge on the B862, heading towards Fort Augustus, there is a turning on the right hand side towards the Knockie Estate. There is also a blue South Loch Ness trail marker post on this junction. Drive along this narrow road for about a mile until you see a parking area on the left that has a signpost giving information about Loch Nan Laan.

There is a metal gate with a stile to the right of it giving access to a gravel track that takes you around the shore of Loch Nan Laan with views of Knockie Lodge on the hill opposite. The track curves gradually around to the right for a mile until you reach a fork. To the right the track goes over a bridge and up to the Lodge. Take the left fork and follow it for a mile as it descends towards Loch Ness. Panoramic views of the Loch open up with Invermoriston on the shore opposite. The track terminates at a small ex boat house on the shore of the Loch.

Re-trace this route to return to the car park with the first mile of your return walk being a steady uphill.



Inverfarigaig Viewpoint Circuit

2 miles. This is a short, circular woodland walk taking in a viewpoint over Loch Ness.  It has a steep uphill start and then more gradual inclines on broad easy tracks. 

Easy to moderate.




Start from the visitor’s car park in Inverfarigaig and head steeply uphill on a rough path for a short distance then take the first track on the right following it up and round until you come to a view point with a bench.  Carry on past this and keeping to the track which curves back and forth before taking you downhill to join the main track that you turned off.  Turn right and follow this main track which is now on a much more gradual incline. Ignore any signposts and way marks and you will arrive at a junction with a large unmarked track on the right which you take to descend gradually, passing two houses on your right before reaching the road. Turn right and follow the road a short distance to the junction signposted Errogie and turn right here to arrive back at the visitor’s car park.  









SSE Track From Foyers Carpark 

3.07 miles in total. A good workout on a SSE track which rises steadily for about 1.5 miles.





From the car park in Upper Foyers, turn right and pass the shop and cafe, heading downhill. After the sign to The Craigdarroch look for a road on your right with a blue South Loch Ness Trail marker post. Walk up this small road and then follow the gravel track with the green right of way sign - Path to Inverfarigaig and Boleskine via hill route. The track takes you past the back of the village school and a small reservoir and continues to rise steadily uphill for about a mile. Look out for the shaft at a small clearing. This is the service tunnel for the Foyers Pump Storage Hydro scheme. After the track bends around to the right you will see a blue South Loch Ness Trail post on the left. Ignore this and carry on walking uphill until you reach a junction. Straight on terminates at an SSE installation. Turn left and you will arrive at a pleasant clearing in the woods where you can have a rest before turning round and re-tracing your steps back to the car park.








Wester Aberchalder to Garthbeg 

7 miles - out and return. Easy flat walking on a small section of road, gravel track then grassy track along the south east side of Loch Mhor. The walk follows a small section of the Trail of the Seven Lochs. 




Parking is very limited at the start of the walk. Please choose a spot where you will not restrict access for either residents or farm vehicles. 


From the farmyard at Wester Aberchalder, follow the tarred road to your right. After a short distance this changes to a gravel track all the way to Migovie. At Migovie, keep to the left of the house and look out for a Trail of the Seven Lochs marker post. Follow this grassy track all the way to Garthbeg or for as long as you want before retracing your steps back to your car. Enjoy  the views across Loch Mhor to Gorthleck and if you are fortunate, you may see red kites flying above. If you are interested in archaeology, there are a number of hut circles close to the route. 








Foyers Bay Circular North

A very easy flat route on road and on a rough path of approximately .75 of a mile round the North Shore of Foyers Bay




The walk starts at the old aluminium factory in Lower Foyers. If arriving by car, park in the rough ground opposite the factory.

Walk along the road with the factory on your right and to the end of the boat yard. Look for the gap in the fence signposted Foyers Recreational area. Go through the gap and head towards the loch, bearing slightly left and you will see a small wooden footbridge. Go over the bridge and follow the rough path. Part way round you will come to a small shingle beach which offers spectacular views down the loch. When you get to a small T junction, turn left, and the path continues with the River Foyers on your right until you reach the road. At the road turn left and follow it back to the start.








Inverfarigaig to Foyers, South Loch Ness Trail

3.2 miles, moderate

This walk follows a short section of the South Loch Ness Trail from Inverfarigaig to Foyers.




Start the walk at the Farigaig car park. There is a short steep uphill section on a rough path to begin but turn right after about 50 metres to follow a small path to a viewpoint overlooking Loch Ness. If you are into Geocaching, you may want to search out the cache near here! Follow the route back down to the main forestry track. Turn right and look out for the blue marker posts with a squirrel which are the official signs for the South Loch Ness trail. When you reach the large pylons, it is worth making a very short diversion to the right to get views down to Foyers Bay. Continue on the forestry track, keeping left at a signpost marked for Easter Boleskine. Follow the track uphill, again, looking out for the blue marker posts. Keep straight ahead when you see a track on the left and follow this next section up into the trees.


Again look out for blue marker posts and be careful when you come to the chain to help you over a short rocky section. The track continues to wind uphill. Unfortunately, most of the views of Loch Ness have been obscured by trees, but there are a few big flat rocks which you can scramble onto for a peek at the loch or just sit and relax after the exertion of climbing to the highest point. The track now heads downhill, and after hopping across a wee burn, you come to a main forestry track again. Turn right here and follow this track all the way down to the main road B862. Be sure to look out for the shaft at a small clearing. This is a service tunnel of the Foyers Pump Storage Hydro scheme.

Turn left at the road and following the pavement, walk up the short sharp incline to the shop/car park at Foyers.     


Inverfarigaig circular via Glen Liath

4.65 miles. Easy. Some road walking, with a couple of moderate sections




Start the walk at the Farigaig car park.

From the car park, turn right along the road. Look out for the memorial to geologist James Bryce.  Continue along the road and at the bridge, keep to the right along Glen Liath and look out for a Right of Way marker – Footpath to Aultnagoire and Stratherrick.

Take this track and follow an old but well defined path uphill until you reach a forestry road.

Turn right here and follow the road until it splits.

Keep to the right and look out for a Trail of the Seven Lochs blue marker post on your right. Take this small track which begins to head downhill and reaches the road again. At the road, turn right and you will reach a large turning area/forestry track. Look out for another Right of Way marker – Foyers via hill route, Inverfarigaig via Boleskine and take this track which initially goes fairly steeply uphill.

After a short distance you will come to a wider track with a blue South Loch Ness marker post and Forestry Finger Post. Turn right here, following the track which, after a short way, begins to head downhill. Keep to the right, following the blue markers until you are close to the car park. If you wish, you can follow a short loop to a lovely bench with views over Loch Ness.

If you are interested in Geocaching, you may want to search out the cache near here! Follow the track past the bench, heading steeply downhill to the car park.


Reservoir Walk, Foyers 

Distance – 1.5 miles.  A short circular walk to the old reservoir behind Foyers.  A steep section up through the trees, and care needs to be taken when heading downhill back to the farm track at Glenlia.  Easy/Moderate.




Start at the car park at Foyers Stores and take the main road towards Inverfarigaig.  Turn right up towards the school and follow the hill route to Inverfarigaig and Boleskine.  At the gate, take the small track heading uphill.  Just after two old tree stumps, take the route to the right, not uphill to the left. 

Soon you will see the marker posts, this section can be boggy.  Follow these uphill and then along the side of the reservoir.  At the end of the reservoir, there is another marker post with a path leading to the left.  Don’t take this immediately but follow the path you are on round to a large rock.  If you are lucky and it is a still day, there will be wonderful reflections of the trees on the opposite bank in the water. 

Retrace your steps and take the track at the marker post down through the trees where you will meet a vehicular track.  Turn right here and follow this back towards Foyers, keeping left at the houses at Glen Liath.  At the main road beside the playpark, turn right and return to the car park. 









Foyers Circular including Upper Falls

Distance – 4 miles 

A circular walk taking in both the upper and lower Falls of Foyers as well as the loch shore. Care should be taken on the narrow path after the Jane Fraser Memorial. Some climbing, especially up to the Lower Falls. 




From the Upper Foyers car park beside Foyers Stores and Waterfall Cafe, turn left towards Whitebridge. 

Turn right at the Waterfall Cafe sign and follow the track to the narrow bridge. Stop here and have a look at the upper Falls of Foyers. 

Continue over the bridge and take the track along the side of the fields. At the end of the fields, where the track splits, follow it up to the right (the left hand fork takes you to Whitebridge). The track rises for around quarter of a mile then it begins to go downhill again. Just past a bench, (which used to have wonderful views of Foyers Bay!) take a left along a smaller, grassy path. Go through the gate and, without turning left or right, cross straight over the field downhill towards a gap in the tree-line. Climb over the fence and follow the path through the woods and to the right towards the drive leading into Foyers cemetery. Turn left along this drive, go into the cemetery and then to your right, take the gate out of the cemetery. Head right towards the Jane Fraser memorial. Walk round the memorial, following a narrow path which will lead you down to the Loch shore. The Loch will be on your left. At the campsite follow the road up to the Bailey bridge and turn left across the bridge, following the road round as it goes towards upper Foyers. Take a right (opposite the Health Centre) where it is signed for Foyers Bay house and Foyers lodges. 

Just at the entrance to Foyers Bay house, there is a track to the right. This track, which is steep in places, will lead you up through the woods with views of The Falls of Foyers and eventually to the main road, Foyers Stores and the car park. 


Drummond Woods, Whitebridge

Distance - 2.6km circular route 

This one is no doubt a well-travelled and well-known circular route that picks up an easy trail into Drummond Woods, Whitebridge.  It is just along from the Whitebridge Hotel so grab a pre or post refreshment from the lovely team there! 

Parking is a little limited, but the trail is good for all. 

Please note that there are a lot of fallen trees blocking the grassy path about 2/3 of the way round. With a little care you can navigate over/round these.




Park up just at the entrance (parking only for 1 car) or a suitable place along the road.  Head off through the forestry gate and take the path straight ahead.  Follow the path in an anti clockwise direction which meanders round on a level wide pathway suitable for walkers and bikes but then changes to a grassy track.

Keep your eyes peeled for deer, red kites, golden eagles and native woodlands, if you extend your walk to Loch Kemp. 

Once complete, you can treat yourself to a coffee, cake or something stronger at the Whitebridge Hotel…just a few strides from the start of the walk.  This easy and fairly level circular walk is a great accessible path with lovely views and peace amongst the woodland. 



Loch Ness and the Falls of Foyers

This is a moderate walk of 6.1 miles starting from the car park at Farigaig Forest, climbing to Toman Tarsuinn before reaching the halfway point in the village of Foyers. Stop here for a breather and bite to eat at the Waterfall Café or simply take advantage of the toilets in the car park area.




Start at the Farigaig Forest car park and head steeply uphill on a rough path for a short distance before turning right on a track which will take you around a small loop to a viewpoint overlooking Loch Ness. If you are interested in geocaching you may wish to have a hunt for the cache near the bench!

After the bench continue following the narrow but well defined path through the trees which will eventually take you down to a main forestry track. Turn right here and look out for the blue South Loch Ness trail marker posts. When you reach the large pylons, take a short diversion to the right to get a wonderful view of Meall Fuar-mhonaidh, the highest point round Loch Ness, and Foyers Bay. Continue on the main track until you come to a junction where you keep left and follow the track up a fairly steep slope through the trees until you get to Forestry Commission fingerpost and a South Loch Ness Trail blue marker. Continue straight ahead here through a fairly boggy section and up through the trees.

Again, lookout for blue marker posts and be careful when you come to the chain to help you over a short rocky section. The track continues to wind up hill. Unfortunately most of the views of Loch Ness have been obscured by trees but there are a few big flat rocks which you can scramble onto for a peak of the Loch or just sit and relax after the exertion of climbing to the highest point of Toman Tarsuinn. The track now heads downhill and after hopping across a wee burn you come to a main forestry track again. Turn right here and follow this track all the way down to the main road, B852. Be sure to look out for the shaft in a small clearing. This is a service tunnel of the Foyers pump storage Hydro scheme.

Turn left at the road and following the pavement walk the short, sharp incline to the shop, and Waterfall café in Foyers. Cross the road and follow the track signposted Upper Falls of Foyers. The falls are often spectacular but not so much after a dry spell or if SSE are drawing water off for hydroelectricity purposes.  Retrace your steps before following the path round the gorge and through the trees before coming out on a track which leads to Foyers Bay House hotel.  Turn left on this track downhill to the road to Lower Foyers.  Turn left on this road and follow it around a right hand bend past some recycling bins and one of the Foyers to Inverness bus stops.  A short way down the road on a left hand bend take the right hand turning towards the SSE power station.  After the large stone building on the right (the old Foyers Aluminium Smelting factory) and opposite the boat yard, turn right onto a track with a green marker post. When the track bends to the right, take the left fork and you will soon see some very old and rickety wooden steps. Pass these and walk steadily uphill until you reach the B852 where you turn left.  About halfway up this track there is a delightful wooden bench with a quirky description.

Walk along the road past Foyers Lodge hotel and just past the hotel you will see a metal fence on your left with a green Right of Way sign directing you towards Inverfarigaig via loch side route. Take this path down a steep set of steps and into woodland.  Turn right, take a stile over the metal fence and continue downhill through the woods until you reach a tarmac road which is the service road for the SSE power station.  Turn right on this road until you come to an SSE substation.  Immediately past the substation you will see a marker post and  track with some steps that lead you downhill back into woodland.  As the track bends to the right, there are a lot of fallen trees ahead. To avoid these walk about 15  metres then look out for a very vague track on your right. Follow this into the woods (but don’t start climbing) and you’ll see an old grass covered forestry track. Follow this until you see a way marker and the main track again. This alternative route is only about 100m. Continue on this wider route grassy path which continues all the way to Lower Birchwood.

Opposite the track to Lower Birchwood there is a small track on your left. Follow this down to the loch shore where you will find a number of seats where you can enjoy the views over the loch. Return to the main track and follow this past a number of houses to Inverfarigaig pier. This is an old Thomas Telford pier, most of which is still intact but the Victorian addition at the end has unfortunately fallen into complete disrepair. Enjoy the view across to Meall Fuar-mhonaidh and up the loch towards Urquhart Castle. Follow the tarmac road up to the B852  where you turn left and then right at the junction signposted for Errogie and return to the car park.


Lochan Tor an Tuill circular from Inverfarigaig

This is a varied 3.65 mile circular route with three viewpoints which give wonderful views of Loch Ness. The route is mostly on wide forestry tracks with three moderate to steep uphill sections.




Start at the Farigaig forest car park and follow the rough track which rises steeply uphill. Pass the sign for a viewpoint (you’ll take this in on your return) and the track widens. Take the track to the left and admire the huge fir trees along the burn. Follow this route until it levels off and you come to the first view of Loch Ness. Continue on the track, which now heads downhill, until just before Lochan Tor an Tuill. At the Forestry Finger post, you can make a short but steep diversion, turning right and following forestry marker posts to a viewpoint with excellent views of Meall Fuar-mhonaidh to the southwest, Urquhart Castle to the northeast and the imposing bluff of Dun Dearduill, where there are vitrified remains of a Bronze Age fort.  Retrace your steps and continue to Lochan Tor an Tuill.

The wide track past Tor an Tuill gives you views of the road going through Glen Liath as you head downhill to a gate and the road itself. Follow the track steeply uphill signed with a Right of Way marker – Foyers via hill route, Inverfarigaig via Boleskine.

After a short distance you will come to a wider track with a blue South Loch Ness Trail marker post and Forestry Finger post. Turn right here, following the track which, after a short way begins to head downhill. Keep to the right following the blue markers until you are close to the car park. Take a left, following Forestry marker posts on a short loop to a bench with views over Loch Ness.

If you are interested in Geocaching, you may want to search out the catch near the bench! Beyond the bench, follow the track which heads fairly steeply downhill to the car park.



Whitebridge to Foyers and return or Foyers to Whitebridge return

This can be walked from either Whitebridge or Foyers or from Foyers to Whitebridge. It is part of the South Loch Ness trail and there are blue way markers along the route. The route is flat but there are a couple of stream crossings with large stepping stones.

Return 7.0 miles


Start point – either the Whitebridge bus stop/end of Dell Estate road or the Falls of Foyers car park.



Description Whitebridge to Foyers and return

From the bus stop, take the road, then track towards Dell Farm. Just before the farm, turn left at the blue way marker beside a large barn and then turn right, following the fence until you join a vehicular track. Soon it becomes a very pleasant grassy track and continues beside an old stone wall. Take care crossing the two streams. Continue on this track unto you see another track on your left heading uphill. Ignore this, continuing straight ahead until you reach a small stone bridge. Walk over the bridge and have a look at the Upper Falls of Foyers. At the road, turn left past the play park until you reach the car park, toilets, Foyers Stores and Waterfall Café. Alternatively at the road turn right towards Camerons Tearoom. Simply retrace your steps to return to Whitebridge.


Description Foyers to Whitebridge and return

From the car park turn left towards Whitebridge, pass the play park and then turn right at the Waterfall Café sign and follow the track to the stone bridge. Stop here and have a look at the Upper Falls of Foyers. Continue over the bridge and take the grassy track along the side of the fields. At the end of the fields where the track splits, go straight ahead. Follow the grassy track, taking care crossing the two streams. When you reach the farm, keep to the right walking round the barn and then turn right onto the vehicular track. Follow the track/road all the way to Whitebridge. Turn right towards the Whitebridge Hotel for a well earned cuppa before retracing your steps back to Foyers.







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