Become a Member

How to Become a Member

If you live locally and would like to become a Member of the company then you are very welcome to do so.  Membership is free and all you need to do is sign a form to say you would like to join.  By becoming a Member your ‘liability’ is limited to £1 (one pound) should the company go bust.

We encourage every person living in the community to become a Member, then everyone gets to have a say in how the Company is run and how the money is spent.

There are three types of membership we can offer, these are:

  • Ordinary Member – 18 years or over and resident in the area
  • Associate Member – 18 years or over and not ordinarily resident in the area
  • Junior Member – 12 to 17 years old and resident in the area

Click the button to Join.


Why do we have a membership?

Because we are a ‘company’ we have to abide by the rules set out in the Companies Act 2006.  This means that we can choose to become any one of a number of different types of organisation.  The community decided that we should become a ‘Company Limited by Guarantee and not having a share capital’  and that our ‘structure’ would be made up of ‘Members’ and of ‘Directors’.

Where can I find further details of the rules for setting up this company?

In our Articles of Association and in the Companies Act 2006.

Why can’t everyone in the community automatically become a member?

The law does not allow us to force anyone to become a member which is why we can’t create an automatic membership.

Does lack of automatic membership mean we are less democratic?

Absolutely not.  The Community Trust is as democratic an organisation as you’ll find anywhere.  Anyone can join the company, it’s free to join, you get to vote in new Directors every year, you get to see all the Minutes and Accounts, you can stand for Directorship yourself and you can request general meetings.  Your Community Trust is just that…….yours…….and by taking that positive step to sign a membership form, you have actively decided to take an interest in the workings of the company.

What does it cost to become a member?


Why do I have to sign a form to become a member?

Because no one can be forced to become a member, we have to have proof that you have volunteered to join up hence needing to sign a form.  It’s exactly the same as if you become a ‘Friend’ of the Boleskine Community Care charity locally.  You sign a form and that’s it.

What happens to the information held on each member?

By law, we must keep a register of members including your name and address and your data is protected by the data protection laws, by which we must abide.

What does ‘limit of liability’ mean?

Because we are a company limited by guarantee, our guarantee is that, should the company go bust, each member will be liable to pay no more than £1.  In other words, £1 is the ‘limit of your liability’.  All the detail of this is available in our Articles of Association.

Why should I become a member?

Because it’s your company, your community, your money.  It’s not the Directors’ money, it’s yours and it is being spent in your community.  As a ‘member’ you not only get to vote on which Directors you want on your Board but you also get to see exactly what decisions are being made by them on a regular basis.  You also have a right to vote at General meetings including the Annual General meeting of course, to receive the Minutes and other communication produced by Directors, to view the company’s accounts and to call a General meeting if you wish.  All the details of what you can do are listed in our Articles of Association.


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