Communications | Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust

Welcome to the Communications Project page.  Each week we intend to give you a regular Thursday update with any news from the team on how projects are progressing.  Some weeks there will be lots of activity, others not so much.  If you have any questions  - or have knowledge and skills you would like to bring to the project please do get in touch with the lead Directors via the button on the right!


Update 10/10/24

We are very pleased to share the line up of this year's Winter Festival with you!  More details can be found here.


Update 3/10/24

Thank you to everyone who sent in content for our Autumn magazine - it is going to be a bumper issue!  All content has now been passed to the printer for collation, and we hope it will be ready for distribution mid October.

We have also just launched our Autumn photography competition.  Please send your entries to by 31st October for a chance of winning!


Update 26/9/24

It's been a busy couple of weeks for the Comms team, and we have two deadlines tomorrow (Friday 27th September) to remind you of:

Autumn magazine - we need your input! Do you have any recipes, photos, stories, news or anything else that you would like to share with the community?  If so please send it to by the end of play tomorrow.

Winter Festival - we are doing things a little different this year.  If you have an idea for an event that could form part of our Winter Festival, you can read more about how to get involved here - Community Winter Festival


Update 12/9/24

Congratulations to Louise Lightbody who won the Summer photography competition!  The Autumn competition is now open, so please send your images through to

The Communications team has started work on the Autumn magazine.  If you have anything you would like us to include, please send it to by Friday 27th September.


Update 29/8/24

Tomorrow is the last day for entries for the summer photography competition!  To be in with a chance of winning £20, please email your photos to


Update 22/8/24

Thank you to everyone who sent content and photographs for the September newsletter.  We are now working on this and it will go to the printers for formatting next week.


Update 4/7/24

Well done to Sandra Sutherland, who was the winner of our Spring Photography competition!  Keep an eye out for further details on how to enter our Summer photography competition.



Update 13/6/24

Our Highland Gathering newsletter is available for you to read online!  Printed copies will be delivered to all houses we have addresses for over the coming days, so please look out for it and keep hold of it as you will need it to claim your tokens for your free burger or cakes at this year's event! 

Highland Gathering newsletter

For the photographers among us, the Spring photography competition deadline is next Friday!  Please submit any photos by emailing them to .


Update 6/6/24

Have you been getting our weekly Wednesday email updates?  We have reviewed the number of emails we have been sending to members, and are trying to restrict it to one a week where we can.  The aim of this weekly email is to highlight current activities that the Trust are working on, upcoming events or important news within the community.  If you are a Trust member and are not receiving this email, please check your Junk folder or contact to ensure we have your correct email address.


Update 30/5/24

Thank you to everyone who sent content for the upcoming newsletter, which will be focussed on the upcoming Highland Gathering.  It is currently being formatted by the printers and it will be sent to all households in the community mid June.

We are also running our Spring photography competition.  Please send your entries to by Friday 21st June.


Update 16/5/24

The deadline for content for the next newsletter is Friday the 24th of May.  Please send your content, including a photos to and we will do our very best to get it included!


Update 9/5/24

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to complete both the wood and transport surveys, these are now closed.  Please be aware that there may not be enough wood in the current supply to get to everyone, but please be assured that if you miss out this time you will be prioritised when more wood becomes available.


Update 25/4/24

Please remember to complete our transport survey, if you have not already done so.  You can find it online here.


Update 18/4/24

Our Spring magazine is now available to read online, and you can do so here.

Paper copies are being sent out to all houses we have addresses for over the next few days, so please keep an eye out for your copy.  If you do not receive yours, please email with your postal address and Kirsteen will ensure it is on the mailing list.


Update 28/3/24

Thank you to everyone who sent in content for our Spring magazine.  It has been collated by our Comms team and is now with the printers.  We will be sending printed copies to all homes in the community that we have addresses for - if you do not think you are on this list, please email to have your address added on.


Update 21/3/24

We recently asked for community input regarding the SFCT website, in the form of another survey. We are pleased to say that most of the feedback has been positive, and we are working on the points that have been highlighted. 

Some of the points include site layout, how it is accessed and viewed by multiple device types in the area. If you missed the opportunity to have your say regarding the website and would like to comment, please email 

In addition to this, we have recently updated the photo gallery on the website and added a new page ‘SFCT TV’, where you can view the recent videos that we have produced. 

If your group would like a video created, please email and we can discuss it further. 


Update 7/3/24

Just a reminder that the deadline for content for the spring magazine is a week tomorrow - Friday 15th March!  Please send any stories, news, recipes or photos to and we will try our best to include them.


Update 29/2/24

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to complete our website survey.  If you haven't yet but would still like to, it is open until Monday - you can find the survey in last week's update, below.

The Comms team are busy working towards the Spring magazine.  If you have anything you would like to share with us (recipes, stories, family news or wider achievement for example), please email before Friday 15th March and we will do our best to include it.


Update 22/2/24

You may have noticed some changes to our website over the last few months - we would be keen to hear your thoughts, both on what we have done so far, and also what further improvements could be made.  Please complete this short survey to help us inform what still needs to be done. 

Website survey


Update 15/2/24

We hope that you have now received your printed copy of the newsletter.  This is the first of the regular newsletters that will be coming directly to you - the SFCT board and communications team felt that information was being missed by having the newsletters primarily online, and so we hope that by changing to posted copies, this will help all members of the community keep up to date with activity within the community.

The comms team is now working towards content for the Spring magazine.  If you have anything you would like to share with us, please email it to before Friday 15th March.


Update 8/2/24

The newsletter is now available to read online - you can do so here.  Printed copies have been sent to all homes in the area that we have addresses for.  If you have not received a copy and would like one, please email with your postal address and we will add it to the mailing list.


Update 1/2/24

We are making a few improvements in the way we communicate information to the community in 2024.  The SFCT Board and Communications team have made the decision to adjust our newsletter and magazine deadlines and hope to make these documents more accessible to everyone in the community.

We will be moving to an A5 format for both the newsletters and magazines to save money and make them easier to read.  This will then allow us to post out our newsletters and magazines to everybody in the community.  To make sure you receive your copy please email if you don’t think you are on our current mailing list.

Our newsletters will change as well, so they are more inclusive of articles out with SFCT updates.  We will publish the deadlines dates on the front of the magazine and newsletters to keep you informed on when to have your information sent into us by.  This will hopefully make some updates more time relevant.  Also remember we can share your information on the website at any time so please email if you would like something shared.

The deadline dates for 2024 are as follows:

Spring Magazine - Friday 15th March 2024

June Newsletter - Friday 24th May 

August Newsletter - Friday 16th August

Autumn Magazine - Friday 27th September

December Newsletter - Friday 8th November 

We are also in the process of adding a photo gallery to the website where we can showcase the amazing photos which have been submitted for the photography competitions as well as having a community life section where we can store all the amazing photos from community events, classes and activities in and around the strath.  So, keep an eye out for that!  Another addition is a page to store videos. They can be lost on social media after a time and now we will have a simple go to page that you can all check out when you have time.

Finally, we will soon be sending out a survey on how you find the website works for you.  Is it easy to navigate?  Do you spot any glitches?  Any suggestions for improvements or things you like?  This will help us develop a better and user-friendly website for our community.



Update 30/11/23

Last night was Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust's AGM; thank you to everyone who came along.  You can read the report here - Catriona Fraser becomes Chair of Trust at AGM night


Update 23/11/23

The latest newsletter is now out - you can read it here.


Update 16/11/23

The latest newsletter is at final proofing stage - we hope that this will be circulated online over the next couple of days.


Update 9/11/23

Our Pulse survey was launched on Sunday - please let us know how we are doing.



Update 2/11/23

Bookings for Santa's Grotto at Winter Wonderland opened this week - book your slot before it's too late!  Santa's Grotto Bookings are LIVE! 


Update 26/10/23

Our focus this week has been on events; it is just over a week until the community fireworks at Lower Foyers - you can find out more about this here.

We are also working hard on preparations for this year's Winter Wonderland.  Would you like a market stand, or do you fancy being an elf?  Please contact Caroline by emailing for more information if you would like to be part of the event.


Update 19/10/23

The Autumn magazine and local place plan has been mailed out to all houses we have addresses for.  We have been made aware that some households have not received a copy - please get in touch with Caroline by emailing if yours did not arrive.


Update 28/9/23

The Autumn magazine is online now - you can view it here.  It will delivered to all households in the community that we have addresses for, so please look out for it.  It will be a bumper envelope as it will also contain a copy of the Local Place Plan and an application form for this year's food and fuel grant.


Update 21/9/23

The plans are all in place for Saturday's community catch-up event - we look forward to seeing you there!

Community Catch Up & Free Lunch! | 17 September 2023 | Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust (


Update 14/9/23

It has been a busy week for the communications team: the Autumn magazine is almost ready for final proofing, work is ongoing on our website upgrade, and this week we begun preparations for this year's Winter Wonderland!

Remember also that we are hosting a community catch-up event at Stratherrick Hall on Saturday 23rd September.  You can read more about this here - Community Catch Up & Free Lunch! | 11 September 2023 | Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust (


Update 7/9/23

Preparations are ongoing for our Community catch-up event at Gorthleck hall on Saturday 23rd September - we hope to see you there!


Update 31/8/23

September's newsletter was finalised this week - you can read it here.

We have started early preparations for a community event at Stratherrick Public Hall on Saturday 23rd September.  This will be an opportunity to speak to Trust Board members, staff and volunteers about live projects and other activities you would like to see in the area.  Please come and chat.

Thank you to everyone who has sent in content for the Autumn magazine - it's going to be another bumper issue!  We hope to have all the content collated and ready to send to the printer next week and copies will be delivered to your door towards the end of September.


Update 24/8/23

The deadline for articles for the Autumn magazine is tomorrow - Friday 25th August!  If you would like any news, stories or photos included, please send them to before the end of tomorrow to guarantee inclusion.


Update 17/8/23

We are pleased to welcome our two newest members of staff, Calum Martin, who joins us as our Marketing Officer as a job share with Jillian Barclay, and Robbie Burn, who is our new CAP Officer.  You can read their biographies here:

Calum MartinWho are we and what do we do? Week 5 | 15 August 2023 | Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust (

Robbie BurnWho are we and what do we do? Week 4 | 08 August 2023 | Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust (

We are also busy working on our Autumn magazine - if you have any news, stories or photos that you would like to share with the community, please send them to by Friday 25th August.


Update 27/7/23

We are beginning to gather content for our Autumn magazine - you can find out more information on what we're looking for here.


Update 29/6/23

Our newsletter is now ready for print and will be posted to all residents that we have addresses for next week.  You can read it here.


Update 22/6/23

The content for our Highland Gathering Newsletter special is now being put together by the printers - we hope to proof it next week and it will hopefully start arriving through your doors in early July.


Update 15/6/23

The Comms team are busy working on a Highland Gathering Newsletter special.  This will be sent to all residents in the area over the next couple of weeks.


Update 8/6/23

We are pleased to share with you that Jillian Barclay's role in the Communications and Marketing team has been extended for a further 3 years, thanks to funding from the Scottish Government's Strengthening Communities grant.  This is on a job-share basis - if you would be interested in being the other half of this exciting role, you can find more information here.


Update 25/5/23

We are looking for a new Marketing and PR Officer to join our team!  For more info please visit our jobs page.


Update 11/5/23

Our May newsletter was circulated over the weekend - you can read your copy here.


Update 20/4/23

Work continues on the latest issue of the monthly newsletter, which should be published in the next couple of weeks.  Our Events team met this week to continue planning this summer's Highland Gathering - more information on this will be circulated shortly!


Update 12/04/23

The latest edition of the magazine is online here and should have been delivered to your door.  We are now working on the next newsletter.


Update 23/03/23

The magazine has been going through some last minute design edits and will be signed off for print and door to door distribution today.  Hopefully you will get your copy towards the end of next week/early following week


Update 9/3/23

The spring magazine is now with the printers for formatting and we hope it will be ready for distribution soon.


Update 2/3/23

Thank you to everyone who sent in content for the Spring magazine - it is shaping up to be a bumper issue!  We hope to have copy ready for distribution later this month, and they will be posted to all properties within the community area that we have addresses for.  If you would prefer to receive an electronic copy rather than printed copy, please email Caroline at to have your postal address removed.


Update 23/2/23

The deadline for submissions to our spring magazine is tomorrow! If you would like anything included please send to Jillian or Caroline at and we will try our best to fit it in.


Update 9/2/23

We are currently between newsletters and the magazine, but you can read stories and updates on our News page.  If you have anything you would like to share with us, please email Jillian - 


Update 26/1/23

The February newsletter is now available - click here to read it.

There is still time to share your news, views and photos for the Spring magazine, please email anything that you would like us to include to Jillian and Caroline at before the 24th February.


Update 19/1/23

The February newsletter is with the printers and will be circulated online over the coming weeks.  We are also beginning to collate articles, stories and photos for the spring magazine - if you have anything you would like to share, please email it to Jillian and Caroline at before the 24th February.


Update 15/12/22

Thank you to the Comms and Events team for their hard work on making last weekend's Winter Wonderland such a success.  If you were there and would like to let us know your thoughts on the event, please complete the Winter Wonderland survey here - WILDSIDE CENTRE EVENT SURVEY - Winter Wonderland 2022 (


Update 1/12/22

The newsletter, which contains the refreshed annual report, is due to be sent to all houses in the strath that we have addresses for - keep an eye out for your copy.

The results of the Pulse survey have now been released and can be read here - Pulse Survey Results | 30 November 2022 | Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust (


Update 24/11/22

The Trust's annual report has now been completed and will now be added to and circulated to form the December/ January newsletter.

If you have not made it along to any of the Place Plan sessions yet, there is still time to have your say:

This afternoon - Cameron's Tearoom

Friday - The Hub, Lower Foyers

Saturday - Foyers Falls Tearoom


Update 17/11/22

The first of the Place Plan drop-in sessions is being held this afternoon at Gorthleck Hall between 3 and 6.30pm, with others scheduled next week.  Please do join us at one of these sessions to give us an idea of how you would like to see the community develop.

We are currently preparing the Trust's annual report for the upcoming AGM.  This will be circulated thoughout the community over the coming weeks.


Update 10/11/22

November's newsletter was published earlier this week, you can read it here.  

The first of our Place Plan meetings will be held next week - you can find details of locations and times by following this link: Your Local Place Plan! | 01 November 2022 | Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust (


Update 3/11/22

Preparations are now well underway for this year's Winter Wonderland.  This week booking for Santa's Grotto opened - you can secure your space here: Santa's Grotto Bookings | Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust (

The November newsletter is also with the printers and should be circulated very soon.


Update 27/10/22

The Autumn magazine was published last week and should be arriving on your doorstep over the next few days.  You can read it online here.


Update 13/10/22

The magazine is almost ready to be published and will be mailed out to every household in the strath.  If you would prefer your copy emailed, please contact Caroline by emailing and she will arrange this.

We have also begun working on the content for the next newsletter, which is due out in November.  Please remember to keep an eye on the website for the most up to date community news and local information.


Update 6/10/22

The team have been busy with background preparations for Winter Wonderland, and so far we have 7 stallholders confirmed for the Christmas market.  If you are a trader or a community group and would like to have a stand please email

Update 29/9/22

Our events team have begun planning this year's Winter Wonderland, which is to be held at The Wildside Centre on the 9th and 10th December.  As part of the event we will be holding a Christmas market - if you, or anyone you know, would like a stand please email for more information.  We are always keen to hear from you if are able to help in preparation for or during the event so please get in touch if you can spare an hour or two!

Our Autumn magazine went to print this week, so keep an eye out for this arriving on your doorstep over the coming weeks.


Update 22/9/22

Our September newsletter is now available to read online here.

Our team is progressing with preparation for our Autumn magazine.  As part of this, and following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, we would like to include your memories, photos and stories of the Queen.  If you have anything you would like to share, please email


Update 15/9/22

Thank you to everyone who sent in contributions for our Autumn magazine.  The team is busy collating it all for publication mid October.

We also hope to circulate the September newsletter over the coming days.


Update 8/9/22

Our September newsletter is currently with the printer and will be available to read shortly.  We are also working on our Autumn magazine - the deadline for submissions is Sunday 11th September so if you have any news, stories or photographs you would like to share please email them to before then!


Update 1/9/22

We are pleased to let you know that Jillian Barclay has been offered and accepted the role of Communications and Events Officer.  This followed an application process, written exercise and interview. It is funded for one year by the SSE Stronelairg Fund.


Update 25/8/22

We have been interviewing for our new Communications Officer this week, and hope to announce our newest member of the team shortly.

We are beginning to work towards our Autumn magazine, so if you have any news, photographs or stories you would like to share with the community, the deadline for submissions is Sunday the 11th September.  Please send your contribution to and we will try our best to fit it in! 


Update 18/8/22

Our August newsletter was published last week and can be read here.

Thank you to everyone who completed our feedback survey on our inaugural Highland Gathering event, we are pleased to say that overall the feedback was extremely positive.  The results can be read here.

Our role of Communications Officer has now been advertised, and closed at the beginning of this week.  Thank you to those who have applied, we will be holding interviews shortly.


Update 14/7/22

We hope that you will receive your copy of the July issue of the newsletter through your doors over the next few days.  With it you will find the event programme for the Highland Gathering.  Please bring this with you to the event (or proof of residence in the area) to receive your free drink and burger.

The newsletter can be read here.


Update 7/7/22

The July newsletter will be out next week, heavily focussed on the upcoming Highland Gathering at Corriegarth.  We will be posting this out to all residents in the area that we have addresses for.


Update 30/6/22

The focus has very much been on events promotion this week.  On Saturday we have the next of our community markets.  For more information click here.  Please come along and support our local businesses.

Information is also beginning to circulate about the Highland Gathering at Corriegarth on the 23rd July - for the most up to date information please visit Highland Gathering | Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust (


Update 23/6/22

Work has begun on the July newsletter, which we hope to have out early next month.  You may also have seen publicity surrounding our summer event; we now have a dedicated page on the website, where you can find out all you need to know about the Highland Gathering - Highland Gathering | Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust (


Update 16/6/22

Your June newsletter has bren published and is available to read here.

Planning is also going on behind the scenes for our summer event, the Highland Gathering at Corriegarth Estate.  You can keep up to date with this by visiting the event Facebook page -


Update 9/6/22

Thank you to Jan Hargreaves and her team for a highly successful Jubilee celebration for the community.  If you were involved in the organising of the event, or attended, and would like to give feedback, please complete our questionnaire here.

The June issue is currently being formatted and will be published next week.



Update 26/5/22

Final preparations are being put in place for next week's Jubilee Tea Party - we hope to see you there!

Our June newsletter is almost ready to go to print, and will be published early in June.


Update 19/5/22

The events team have been busy helping support Jan & the Luvvies organise the Jubilee event on Friday 3rd June.  If you can help out at all, please get in touch with Jan by emailing

Plans are also beginning to come together for the Highland Gathering at Corriegarth.  If you would be interested in tendering for the Health & Safety or catering contracts, please visit the Contracts for Work page for more information. 


Update 12/5/22

This week we have added two new sections to our website.  We are looking into how as a community we can help with the crisis in Ukraine, and have set up a dedicated page where we can share information on this, which can be found here.

We have also added a new 'Jobs' page for those looking for work in the community.  We will shortly be writing to all businesses in the area to offer them the opportunity to share any recruitment opportunities for free on this page.  If you would like to advertise a job here, please contact


Update 5/5/22

Our May newsletter was published today - you can read yours here.  You will notice details of our upcoming events too.  If you would like to help with either the Jubilee celebrations or the Highland Gathering, please get in touch with Caroline by emailing uk.  

If you are local business and would like a stand at any of our upcoming markets, please email  We are also keen to hear from you if would be interested in catering at the Highland Gathering - particularly bar provision, tea, coffee & homebaking, or if you can provide barbecue facilities.  Please get in touch with Caroline for more information.


Update 21/4/22

Work is underway on our May newsletter - due to go to print next week.  Look out for details of some exciting events that we have planned over the summer months!


Update 31/3/22

Our April newsletter was published this week and is available to read here.

We will be posting copies out to all Foyers residents that we have addresses for.  If you do not want to receive a postal copy please email Caroline at to have your address removed.


Update 24/3/22

Our April newsletter is nearly ready for publishing and will hopefully be ready for circulation next week.  We also hope to send a copy to all residents in the Foyers area - other copies will be available to collect at Foyers Stores and Wildside, as well to read online.  Alongside a detailed update on the Riverside Field project, the newsletter also contains information on three of our Action Group meetings.

Sarah has been busy planning our first community market of the year - further information on this will be circulated shortly.


Update 17/3/22

You should all have received your Spring magazine through the door over the last week or so.  If you have not got your copy, it may be that we do not have your address, so please get in touch with Caroline by emailing and she will add you on.  It has been brought to our attention that some members of the community would prefer to have a pdf version emailed to them.  We do also have an electronic mailing list, so if you would prefer your copy via email, again, please let Caroline know using the email address above.

We are now beginning to work towards our April newsletter, which should be going to the printer next week.


Update 3/3/22

The Spring magazine is now available to read online - you can read it here.

We will be posting printed copies to all households that we have addresses for, so please keep an eye out for your copy over the next few days.


Update 24/2/22

The spring magazine is due for completion and printing next week and will be posted to all houses in the strath that we have addresses for by the end of the week.  If you would prefer an emailed copy, please get in touch with Caroline at and she will add you to the electronic mailing list.


Update 17/2/22

Our Spring magazine is now with the printers for formatting - Caroline had a sneak preview today and it's coming together nicely!  Tony and Nick, from Nick Wright Planning, have been busy behind the scenes planning the next stages of how to put the Community Action Plan into action.  More information on the upcoming Action Group meetings can be found in the magazine, watch this space!


Update 10/2/22

We are busy working away on collating the Spring magazine - thank you for all the fabulous contributions.  It is due to go to print next week, with a view to being distributed to all houses we have on our mailing list at the beginning of March.


Update 3/2/22

Our February newsletter is out now, and you can read it here.

Our attention has now turned to the Spring magazine - if you would like anything included please send it to by this Sunday.

We have also been busy working on event planning for 2022, and hope to share some dates with you soon.


Update 27/1/22

Applications for our Fundraiser role closed today - we would look forward to reviewing them over the next week.

The Febuary newsletter is currently at the printers and should be available next week in the usual places.  We are also collating content for our Spring magazine, so if you have anything you would like included, please email it to by Sunday 6th Feb and we will try our best to fit it in.


Update 20/1/22

We have been busy working towards our next newsletter, which is due to go to print next week.  We will then be focussing on the Spring magazine, which will be out in March and will be posted to all homes in the strath that we have addresses for.  If you have any news, stories or photos you would like to share with the community, please email them to by Sunday 6th February.


Update 13/1/22

We hope you have seen our last newsletter of the year - if not you can find it here.

The first full working week of 2022 has been a busy one, with ideas being developed on community markets, summer events, and of course our next publications.  We have begun working on the February newsletter, which will go to print at the end of this month, and also our Spring community magazine.  If you would like to contribute to our next bi-annual magazine, please email any articles, stories and photos to by Sunday 6th February and we will do our best to include them.


Update 16/12/21

We hope you have all received your printed copies of the Community Action Plan.  If not, please get in touch with Laura by emailing to ensure your postal address is on our mailing list so that you can receive future Trust publications.

We are currently working on one last monthly newsletter for 2021 - keep an eye for it in the usual places next week!


Update 2/12/21

Printed copies of the Community Action Plan have now gone out in the post to all houses in the community that we have addresses for, and should start arriving with you over the next week.  If you do not receive a copy and are a resident in the Stratherrick & Foyers community area please get in touch with Laura at so that we can update our mailing list.

Our latest newsletter came out this week too - you can read it here.


Update 25/11/21

Both the staff and Directors of the Trust have been busy this week preparing for our AGM and launching the Community Action plan, which is now available to read online.  Printed copies should begin to arrive on doorsteps throughout the strath next week - keep an eye out for yours!


Update 18/11/21

It's been another busy week for the Comms team!  We are working on the next newsletter, which should be available for reading online before the end of the month.  If you have anything you would like to contribute, please email or contact Caroline at

We have also been working with Nick Wright to ensure that a copy of the Community Action Plan will arrive on the doorsteps of all households in the Stratherrick and Foyers community area that we have addresses for over the next couple of weeks.


Update 11/11/21

There is a lot going on in the community over the next few weeks, and the Comms team felt that we should let you know what's happening, so here are some dates for your diary:

Friday 19th November - Community Action Publication and launch event

Wednesday 24th November - Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust AGM

Friday 10th & Saturday 11th December - Winter Wonderland

We hope to see you at any, or all of these events!

Our most recent newsletter is now out and available online.  As we are looking to increase what we post out to residents, we are working on ensuring our mailing list is as up to date as possible.  If you did not receive a copy of our Autumn magazine in the post, please get in touch with Laura by emailing and she will add your address onto the list.


Update 4/11/21

We are currently working on our next newsletter - the focus on this one will be the upcoming CAP report and important dates leading up to December.  If you would like a copy emailed directly to you, please contact Caroline by emailing and we will add your email address to the mailing list.


Update - 28/10/21

The magazine has now been delivered across the strath!  If you have NOT received your copy, please let our Project Co-ordinator, Caroline, know via email - - and she will ensure that your postal address is on the mailing list.  You can also contact her if you would prefer to receive your copy via email.

Steven has been busy adding local businesses to our Business Directory - this is an ideal way to advertise your services for free in the local area, so if you run a business and would like a listing, please contact Steven by emailing


Update - 21/10/21

The magazine (issue 26) is now printed and has been delivered to be posted out.  It will be heading to a letterbox near you shortly (if we have your address).  We are pleased to say the cost of this is less than printing and delivering to various locations across the area for picking up, as we did in the past.  This will hopefully help improve communications not only from the Trust but the many community groups and individuals who contribute to the magazine.  The online version is already accessible here


Update - 12/10/21

After a lot of hard work from our Comms team and our printers, we are pleased to let you know that our Autumn magazine will make it to print this week.  And is what is even more exciting is that you will receive a copy delivered to your door next week!  Please keep an eye out for a white A4 envelope addressed to 'The Householder' - this is NOT junk, but in fact your copy of Stratherrick & Foyers News!


Update - 30/9/21

Unfortunately our magazine is not quite ready for you to read yet, but the good news is we are hoping to have a copy of our Autumn magazine delivered to each household in the strath over the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for yours!

We are also beginning to work towards the next monthly newsletter, so if you have anything that you would like included, please email it to by Monday 11th October.


Update - 23/9/21

We have been busy working on the Autumn issue of our bi-annual magazine, which is now at the printers - thank you to everyone who has contributed, particularly on such a tight deadline!  We aim to have it widely distributed by the end of next week.  

Don't forget our Business Directory!  This is will be an invaluable resource for the whole community and an ideal way to advertise your business.  Please get in touch with Steven by emailing if you would like your business to be listed.


Update - 26/8/21

We are pleased to bring you our Business Directory!  It is still in the early stages, so please bear with us, but it is now up and running so if you would like your business listed please contact Steven by email at and he will advise you of what information he requires. 

Directory | Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust (



Update – 12/8/21

Our comms team meet weekly and discuss a range of topics, which may include the monthly newsletter and bi-annual magazine, website updates, local business engagement & promotion, events planning, and keeping the community up to date with Trust activities.

In our most recent meeting, we managed to cover most of the items listed above!

Newsletter/ Magazine

We are currently working on the August issue of the newsletter, which will be circulated at the end of next week.  If you have anything you would like included, please email it through to Jillian ( by Monday and we will try our best to squeeze it in!

Caroline is looking into options for having the next copy of our bi-annual magazine distributed to every house in the Strath.  We will keep you updated on progress with this.

Website and local businesses

We are progressing with the local business directory on our website, and Garve from Plexus Media is currently building us a new page where we can display information on your businesses.  We hope that we will be able to start inputting information very soon, so if you would like to see your business listed, please contact Jillian.

Community Events

On the back of a successful Summer Gala, Jillian and Caroline have been busy putting plans together for future events.  We will be hosting Winter Wonderland again this December – keep an eye out for more information on this soon.  We have had some thoughts on potential events for next year too, including a Spring Food Festival, Summer Gala, Autumn Harvest Festival and a Winter Festival, which will incorporate Winter Wonderland and a dance for the adults!  If you have any other ideas, or would like to help with the organising of any of the above events, please get in touch with Jillian (email address above) or Caroline (

Keeping the community updated

We are always looking at how best to communicate with the community.  You may have noticed some of these updates appearing on the project pages – our aim is that by September we will have weekly updates on each project page, which will give you a progress report on how the Trust is moving forward on each project.



Update 4/8/21


It is the Trust's intention to take feedback on a number of events so we can improve the service we provide to the community.  This feedback will be taken to the Communications and Events Team for future events.


The survey was launched on the Monday after the event for seven days.  49 people responded to the Mini Gala Survey. 


Most people heard about the event on facebook, Trust E mail, Trust Magazine/Newletter, the Trust website and word of mouth.


The overall view of the event was positive, community spirit, atmosphere, organisation, friendly, mix of stalls etc. rating highly. 

Things to improve included volume of parking, accessibility to the venue, signage, improved pathways for those with mobility issues, more events for children, some thought to how the raffle was drawn and making other stall holders aware who may attend for stock control.  Many people still said only positive things when asked this question.

It’s probably worth noting many suggestions were not unexpected and of course the event was scaled down considerably due to potential Covid restrictions.  All the feedback is useful with some suggesting they are willing to help with solutions to some of these issues.


Thanks to everyone for attending, feedback and everyone involved in the organisation of this event.

Tony Foster




One of the first ‘legacy’ projects to be agreed by the new broad of directors was to improve the quality of communication with the community it serves. It is recognised that our collective ability to invest the windfarm and hydro community funds in the most effective way possible is based on  building a broad-based coalition of support. The coalition is made up of a number of critical partners; at the core is the community supported by a close alliance with local voluntary groups and societies, statutory bodies such as the Community and Highland Council, political representatives, the people running our public services including the fire service, police and medical services and regional and national bodies.  To achieve this the Board has put in place a communication strategy that has the following pillars:

  • A  statement of the Trust’s values and behaviours that will then shape the way we communicate on a day-to-day basis with the community we serve
  • A policy of openness and transparency that enables the community to get involved and influence everything the Trust is working on
  • An plan that will provide a mandate for the Trust’s 20-year-strategy
  • Online and offline communications channels that are as effectively as possible

In this page you will find details of the steps that are being taken to put the pillars in place.



The implementation of the communication strategy is based on these building blocks:




1. Mandate for a plan of action.

The primary purpose of the Trust is to guide the investment of the windfarm and hydro community funds, in line with the wishes of the community, to provide a legacy for future generations. Independent consultants have been brought in to develop the Community Action Plan. This link will take you to a page that describes this project in detail (add link). The key actions are:

  • Gather the views of the community (March)
  • Develop a set of projects that reflect the key priorities that emerge from the consultation process (April)
  • Publish the Community Action Plan (May)
  • Establish working groups that guide the development and implementation of the projects (June)

With the CAP in place, the communications team will develop the steering group, that has been set up for the CAP, into a permanent body that provides advice and guidance to the Trust on key issues and the development of Trust policy


2. Sophisticated communication channels

The primary focus on the communications team in the first few months has been to ensure that the Trust has in place the most effective communication channels. The key actions are:

  • Re-design the Trust’s website in order that it provides lots of detail about the Trust’s activities and is a resource for all clubs, societies, businesses in the area. It should be perceived as a community website first and a communication channel for the Trust, second.
  • Improve the Trust’s participation in social media by developing a Trust Facebook page and establishing a presence on Twitter and Instagram
  • Put in place an efficient design and publishing process that can output a wide range of publications
  • Publish, twice a year, a news and lifestyle magazine that reports on the life and times of the Strath. This should take the form of a ‘publication of record,’ providing a comprehensive insight into the social and business life of the community. The first edition of the re-modelled Stratherrick & Foyers Magazine was published at christmas and the next edition will be in early summer
  • Publish a monthly Stratherrick & Foyers newsletter that provides a regular update on the activities of the Trust and general news about the area
  • Publish a weekly email for Trust members that keeps them abreast of all Trust activities at a granular level


3. Community engagement

There are a number of practical steps that are being put in place to markedly improve the level of engagement the Trust has with the community. The development of the Community Action Plan stands at the pinnacle. Other key actions are:

  • Put in place the tools that enable the Trust to communicate with everyone. This will include the development of a comprehensive email list (an output from the CAP process) and address list for everyone who does not have access to a computer
  • Ensure all legacy projects have a steering group drawn from the community
  • Provide many get-in-touch points in the new website that will provide users with direct access to directors
  • Hold routine meetings with the Trust’s key stakeholders including key funders and businesses in Stratherrick and Foyers
  • Deliver/facilitate a schedule of community events such as Fireworks Night, Summer Fare, Christmas Winter Wonderland etc.


4. Keeping us on track

The communication team is responsible for ensuring that the Board of Directors continue to listen and respond to the wants and needs of the community. Key actions to achieve this are:


  • Develop a set of performance metrics that will provide a strong indication of the efficiency and effectiveness of the Trust. These will include the quality of the processes where we interact with the public such as managing grant applications
  • Institute a bi-annual opinion survey when we will ask the community to rate the Trust's performance
  • Hold routine meetings with the Trust’s key stakeholders including key funders, statutory bodies and businesses in Stratherrick and Foyers



The communications team consists of the Trust Directors Gareth Jones, Jillian Barclay and Catriona Fraser together with two members of the Trust staff; the new manager Tony Foster and the Community Liaison Officer, Steven Watson.

There is a weekly project meeting on a Tuesday and to get an idea of the progress we are making on implementing our strategy please see the Task Tracking Document by clicking on the link you can see at the top right-hand side of the page. We would welcome anyone who would like to contribute to this project to get in touch with Gareth at or Jillian at

Project Team
Catriona Fraser
Caroline Tucker
Jillian Barclay
Calum Martin
Send us your suggestions!Email:
Project Documents
Spring Magazine 2023
Autumn Magazine 2023
Site Map ©2015-2024 Stratherrick & Foyers Community Trust Site by Plexus